Day Care (2-3 years of age)
Our curriculum gives your child the opportunity to learn how to create, examine and share as he/she expands his/her language skills through interaction with peers and teachers/Morahs, in a safe, nurturing, loving environment. Through repetitive sensory activities, your child will transform these new experiences into knowledge.
At the age of two, children want to be more independent. They want to explore through touch and mimic their peers and teachers/Morahs. Our curriculum focuses on language arts and literacy, mathematics, science, social and emotional development, gross and fine motor development as well as character education.
Through our hands on learning centers and age-appropriate playground experiences, our two year olds are given the opportunity to work at their own level and learn to accomplish age appropriate tasks independently.
Activities in the two-year-old classroom include and are not limited to:
Jewish Studies/Hebrew songs, traditions and projects
Hands on learning centers
Writing readiness skills (fine and large motor skills)
Dramatic play activities
Repetition of fundamentals of hygiene (hand washing)
Repetition of basic self-help tasks (putting on and taking off a jacket, shoes, etc.)
Social Skills
Physical Skills
Cognitive Skills (questioning and problem solving)
Character Education (responsibility, kindness.)
Rishon Early Childhood Center Services
As children become preschoolers they need the guidance of a nurturing teacher/Morah to help assist them in developing their social and emotional skills. Our program focuses on your child’s primary areas of development: language arts and literacy, mathematics, science, social and emotional development, gross motor skills, fine motor skills, character education as well as Hebrew studies. We offer a variety of activities that will aide your child in preparation for Kindergarten.
Curriculum guidelines for Pre-K classrooms include:
Jewish Studies/Hebrew songs, traditions and projects
Hands on learning centers
Recognizing print
Pre-reading skills
Pre-writing skills (small motor activities)
Dramatic play
Counting beads or blocks
Identifying shape
Logical thinking skills
Logical thinking skills
Plants and animal identification
Rhythm, & signing
Participating in activities with their peers
Large motor activities including balancing, jumping and throwing
Our Kindergarten Classes are taught by New York State certified licensed teachers. At Rishon, Kindergarten classes are small. This small setting allows for more one-to-one, individualized attention. The teachers/Morahs have created a balanced literacy classroom for your child to learn and grow in.
Curriculum guidelines for our balanced literacy Kindergarten classrooms include:
Jewish Studies/Hebrew songs, traditions and projects
Hands on learning centers
Independent reading
Reading for purpose and understanding
Writing to communicate ideas
Recognizing coins
Counting by 5’s, 10’s and 2’s
Understanding place value – 1’s, 10’s, 100’s
Analyzing and comparing 2- and 3-dimensional shapes
Using the scientific method to study the world
Physical education, fine arts, social studies, and science and nature are also explored, while we work closely with your child to meet important social-emotional development objectives.